Annenberg Alchemy for Black-led Organizations aims to reach Black aspiring nonprofit leaders, align Black executive directors and board chairs, and connect them to resources that will support their ability to lead organizations and produce results, which in turn will help them build healthy, resilient, and extraordinary communities. We do this by bringing together nationally respected facilitators to instruct and guide interactive sessions for Black nonprofit leaders. Among the central issues addressed are effective fundraising, board governance, strategic marketing, and financial management. In addition, participants are connected to a network of peers through learning communities and roundtable discussions where they can share best practices and innovative strategies.
Launching in January 2022 as a direct result of the murder of George Floyd and the nationwide movements for change that continue to this day, Annenberg Alchemy for Black-led Organizations is an expansion of the Annenberg Alchemy Program that began in 2006. Since then, more than 3,000 nonprofit leaders have participated. Annenberg’s newest Alchemy capacity building and leadership development program is focused on serving Black-led nonprofit organizations and their leaders located in the five-county region of Southern California with budgets up to $1 million.
Wednesday, March 10
9AM – 12PM: Implicit Bias