The Annenberg School for Communication, founded in 1971 through the support of Walter Annenberg as a small graduate institution, was reorganized in 1994 to include the USC School of Journalism and the Department of Communication Arts, thus becoming a large center of study for both graduates and undergraduates. The School for Communication prepares students to study, understand and manage important communication in education, politics, management, marketing, government and non-governmental institutions. Located in Los Angeles, it provides a unique opportunity for hands-on study and contact with people working in the forefront of the field.

Every human advancement or reversal can be understood through communication. The right to free communication carries with it the responsibility to respect the dignity of others, and this must be recognized as irreversible. Educating students to communicate this message effectively and to be of service to all people is the enduring mission of this school.
Walter H. Annenberg
Founder (1908-2002)

The School places an emphasis on communication theory and research methods along with new technologies, policy implications, and practical applications. The School has launched numerous programs and initiatives, including the Center for the Study of Journalism and Democracy, an inter-disciplinary program designed to enhance the quality of journalism in the United States, and the Norman Lear Center, whose faculty study aspects of entertainment, media, and culture.