Since 1990, the International Women’s Media Foundation Courage in Journalism Awards have honored brave women journalists who refuse to step aside or be silenced in their pursuit of the truth. The Wallis Annenberg Justice for Women Journalists Award brings attention to women journalists who are detained, jailed, or imprisoned. Today, this award was given to the family of Xueqin (Sophia) Huang in her honor. Having spent her career reporting on injustice and corruption in China — including pioneering the #MeToo movement within her country — Huang was arrested on September 19, 2021. She remains imprisoned and has not had contact with her family or lawyers since her arrest.
Profound thanks to the IWMF for honoring the women who believe truth is worth the risks, and to today’s award recipients – Xueqin (Sophia) Huang, Lynsey Addario, Cerise Castle, and Victoria Roshchyna – for their heroic journalism and incredible courage.