Statement By The Annenberg Foundation On The Passing Of Vartan Gregorian

Vartan Gregorian

The Annenberg Foundation is greatly saddened by the passing of Vartan Gregorian, the long-time president of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Mr. Gregorian was both a close personal friend of our founder Walter Annenberg and a trusted advisor and confidant. As a champion for educational opportunity, Mr. Gregorian was one of the primary architects of Ambassador Annenberg’s large-scale, national effort to improve access to and equity in public education.

Ambassador Annenberg was a champion of Mr. Gregorian’s, supporting his work as provost of the University of Pennsylvania, as president at Brown University, and as president at the New York Public Library. The personal and professional relationship with Mr. Gregorian continued through to Wallis Annenberg, the current Chairman, President and CEO of the Annenberg Foundation, particularly around their shared commitment to access and equity in public education.

“Vartan was a dear friend and colleague of the Annenbergs and a champion for so many critical issues of our time – especially education, immigration, and international peace,” said Cinny Kennard, Executive Director of the Annenberg Foundation. “He often said that Walter Annenberg was his mentor and that he had great respect and admiration for Wallis Annenberg. His friendship, leadership, and compassion will be greatly missed.”

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