In December of 2020, new legislation authorized the Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation to build a memorial on federal land in Washington, D.C. The monument will commemorate America’s commitment to a free press by honoring journalists and photojournalists who have sacrificed their lives in service to that crucial cause. We are proud to announce that the Annenberg Foundation – led by our Chairman Wallis Annenberg, and in partnership with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation – will provide $6 million in grants and matching grants to support the creation of the memorial.
The initial funding from Annenberg and Knight will help scale the organization as it undertakes the multi-year process of building the memorial. The funds will assist in creating educational programming, selecting a site, and designing and constructing the monument. The Annenberg Foundation grant also includes a commitment to match up to $2.6 million in other Foundation grants to encourage further support for the campaign.
The Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation is led by former U.S. Representative David Dreier and former news executive and journalism professor Barbara Cochran, and is also supported by numerous leaders from all segments of the journalism community.
Learn more about this powerful project from our friends at the Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation, and from a new article by Axios.